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Please check my CV here for an updated list of publications.

Recruiting, retaining, and supporting the government workforce

Research area 1


Reducing Burnout and Resignations among Frontline  Workers: A Field Experiment

Linos E., Ruffini K., Wilcoxen S. 2021. Reducing Burnout and Resignations among Frontline  Workers: A Field Experiment. Forthcoming in Journal for Public Administration Research and  Theory (JPART).

Anxiety levels among physician-mothers during the COVID pandemic

Linos E., Halley M., Sarkar U., Manugrian C., Sabry H., Olazo K., Mathews K., Diamond L., Goyal M., Linos E., Jagsi R. 2021. Anxiety levels among physician-mothers during the COVID pandemic. American Journal of Psychiatry 178(2), 203-204.

Thick Red Tape and the Thin Blue Line: A Field Study on Reducing Administrative Burden in Police Recruitment

Linos E., Riesch N. 2020. Thick Red Tape and the Thin Blue Line: A Field Study on Administrative Burden in Police Recruitment. Public Administration Review 80 (1), 92-103.

More Than Public Service: A Field Experiment on Job Advertisements and Diversity in the Police

Linos E., 2018. More Than Public Service: A Field Experiment on Job Advertisements and Diversity in the Police. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 28(1), pp.67-85.

Levelling the playing field in police recruitment: Evidence from a field experiment on test performance

Linos E., Reinhard J., and Ruda S., 2017. Levelling the playing field in police recruitment: Evidence from a field experiment on test performance. Public Administration, 95(4), pp.943-956.

Simple Changes to Job Ads Can Help Recruit More Police Officers of Color

Linos E. 2018. Simple Changes to Job Ads Can Help Recruit More Police Officers of ColorHarvard Business Review. April 3, 2018.

Nudging Inwards: Using Behavioral Science to Improve the Government Workforce

Linos E. 2016. Nudging Inwards: Using Behavioral Science to Improve the Government Workforce. Oxford Government Review (1).

A Head for Hiring: The Behavioural Science of Recruitment and Selection

Linos E., Reinhard J. 2015. A Head for Hiring: The Behavioural Science of Recruitment and Selection. Chartered Institute for Professional Development (CIPD) Research Report.


When Perceptions of Public Service Harm the Public Servant: Predictors of Burnout and Compassion Fatigue in Government

With Brenda Sciepura

When  Working from Home Changes Work at the Office: Measuring the Impact of Teleworking  on Organizations


Attracting Young Talent to Government

With Brenda Sciepura

Understanding Burnout in Correctional Officers

With Jessie Harney

Improving government-resident interactions


RCTs to Scale: Comprehensive Evidence from Two Nudge Units

DellaVigna S., Linos E. 2021. RCTs to Scale: Comprehensive Evidence from Two Nudge Units. Forthcoming in Econometrica.


Institutional Theory in Behavioral Public Administration: A Three-Stage Approach

Cucciniello M., Linos. E. 2021. Institutional Theory in Behavioral Public Administration: A  Three-Stage Approach. Roundtable Essay. Forthcoming in Journal of Behavioral Public  Administration (JBPA).


When Governments Use Nudges: Measuring Impact “At Scale”

Linos E., 2021. When Governments Use Nudges: Measuring Impact “At Scale." Book Chapter in  Behavioral Science in the Wild, University of Toronto Press [Forthcoming]

Can Nudges Increase Take-up of the EITC?: Evidence from Multiple Field Experiments

Linos E., Prohofsky, A., Ramesh, A., Rothstein, J., Unrath, M. 2021. Can Nudges Increase Take-up of the EITC? Evidence from Multiple Field Experiments. Forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Policy.

Behavioral Public Administration: Past, Present, and Future

Bhanot, S.P. and Linos, E., 2020. Behavioral Public Administration: Past, Present, and FuturePublic Administration Review, 80(1), pp.168-171.  

Nudging Early Reduces Administrative Burden: Three Field Experiments to Improve Code Enforcement

Linos E., Quan LT., Kirkman, E. 2020. Nudging Early Reduces Administrative Burden: Three Field Experiments to Improve Code EnforcementJournal of Policy Analysis and Management 39: 243-265

Increasing Take-up of Cal Grants

Linos E., Reddy V., and Rothstein J. 2018. Increasing Take-up of Cal Grants. In Designing Financial Aid for California’s Future. The Institute for College Access and Success (TICAS) Research Report. November.

Do Randomized Social Programs Shift Votes? Experimental Evidence from the Honduran PRAF

Linos E. 2013. Do Randomized Social Programs Shift Votes? Experimental Evidence from the Honduran PRAF. Electoral Studies. 32(4):864-874.

Screening Programme Evaluation Applied to Airport Security

Linos E., Linos E., Colditz G. 2007. Screening Programme Evaluation Applied to Airport Security. British Medical Journal. 335:1290-1292.




It’s not your Fault: Reducing Stigma in Rental Assistance

With Jessica Lasky-Fink



Demystifying College Costs: How Nudges Can and Can’t Help

With Vikash Reddy and Jesse  Rothstein

Using text reminders to increase attendance and attainment: Evidence from a field experiment

With Michael Sanders, Elspeth Kirkman, Mike Luca, Raj Chande and Xian-Zhi Soon


Increasing Take-up of the Child Tax Credit

With Aparna Ramesh


The Formality Effect

With Chris Larkin, Elspeth Kirkman, Lindsay Moore, and Jessica Lasky-Fink

Diversity, equity and inclusion at work


Physician mothers’ experience of workplace discrimination: a qualitative analysis

Halley M., Rustagi A., Torres J., Linos E., Plaut V., Mangurian C., Choo E., Linos E. 2018. Physician Mothers’ Experience of Workplace Discrimination: A Qualitative Analysis. British Medical Journal (BMJ). 363:k4926


Impact of Sexual Harassment and Social Support on Burnout in Women Physicians

With Jessica  Lasky-Fink, Meghan Halley, Urmimala Sarkar, Christina Mangurian, Hala Sabry, Eleni Linos, and  Reshma Jagsi


Asymmetric Peer Effects: How Co-Workers Shape Black Turnover

With Sanaz Mobasseri and Nina Roussille

The Ordering Effect

With Kate Glazebrook, Elspeth Kirkman, and Janna Ter Meer

Research area 3
Research Area 2
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